More This and That & Contest
Here are the Winners from Paducah, or in other words Eye Candy for you.
What will Susan pick next for our Riverside BOM? Let's have a guessing game. Fat Quarter to first member who guesses right. FQ will be awarded at the next meeting (May). Leave a comment to record your guess. And be sure to give your name (only first name, First Letter of Last name - ie: Angie N), so we'll know who is the winner.
Freebies at Sophie Junction! She's got lots of cool stuff.
Another video - this one on curved piecing. She uses a special foot, but if you put some tape to mark your 1/4" seam, you can do the same as she did. I mark my center notch by folding the pieces in half and ironing the center fold. Try it! You have curves in this month's BOM.
NOTE from Susan:
I have done it again!! Step #3 is for B2 and E2. Step #5 is for C1 and D1. But it's all been fixed on the online copy, so change or throw away the printed ones. Thank you for your patience.
And here's another photo of the March BOM blocks:
And here's another photo of the March BOM blocks:
April's Meeting has come and Gone
And a good time was had by all! Marlys brought a birthday cake (it was her month for a birthday). Thank you, Marlys - it was yummy. And so was all the other food brought in, especiallythe meatloaf - it was great!
The BOM turn out was spectacular. You are all so creative with your embellishments and additions! I believe Susan said 36 were brought in for display. And here are some of last months:

The May block will be up shortly. It should be fun seeing all the different ways you enhance the Mission Inn block.
Next meeting is May 15th. We hope to see you then.
If you missed the meeting or just want to see them again, you can browse the Show n Share on the right sidebar.
The BOM turn out was spectacular. You are all so creative with your embellishments and additions! I believe Susan said 36 were brought in for display. And here are some of last months:

The May block will be up shortly. It should be fun seeing all the different ways you enhance the Mission Inn block.
Next meeting is May 15th. We hope to see you then.
If you missed the meeting or just want to see them again, you can browse the Show n Share on the right sidebar.
A Little of This, A Little of That!
Have you bought your guild pin? Are you a new member and need something to embellish your name badge? Do you have friends you'd like to exchange guild pins with? Well, we have pins! They're only $5.00. See Sandy S. about getting yours.
Quilt guild meeting is next Tuesday, the 17th!
Check out our left sidebar for some neat projects.
Photos always welcome for the blog. Contact Angie on how to upload them.
Is your BOM block finished? Let's have a great turnout once again! What will Susan have for us next?
Show and Tell is always a great part of the meeting. Do consider bringing one of your projects - even if you didn't just finish it. We'd love to see it!
Quilt guild meeting is next Tuesday, the 17th!
Check out our left sidebar for some neat projects.
Photos always welcome for the blog. Contact Angie on how to upload them.
Is your BOM block finished? Let's have a great turnout once again! What will Susan have for us next?
Show and Tell is always a great part of the meeting. Do consider bringing one of your projects - even if you didn't just finish it. We'd love to see it!
Meeting Coming uP!
It's two weeks before our next fun meeting. Have you made your BOM block yet? Instructions are posted under the tab BOM, etc. You'll find a photo of Susan's beautiful rendition there also. I'm further along than last month at this time. I actually have it sewed together - just have to add the big "C".
What! My bell tower lines are crooked, uneven?! Well those are the result of this fool rushing in when she should have read the instruction better or over of Susan's great pattern. Yup, I should have read it three time or til it sunk in that I wasn't suppose to cut the piece she gave us - but sew on both sides of it. Well, I did cut into it and then had to finagle how I was going to use the piece, by gum, by golly. So figured that out and this is what I got. And I"m not doing it over! -LOL. I'm calling it: "Carillon Tower during Earthquake" AN
Meeting: April 17th. Sew Day: April 21st.
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