
Christmas Countdown with Cocoa

I'm still working on the December guild meeting review and when you see it, you'll know why it took me a bit longer. :) But! The pictures are up and available in the usual spots (photos and video).

In the meantime, I thought I'd share one of my favorite winter recipes, this day being the winter solstice and first day of winter. I always like this day because from here onto summer, the days only get longer, which makes me happy!

So, the recipe is for making your own hot cocoa mix from the Alton Brown! Definitely add that good pinch or two of cayenne pepper as it really adds a nice warming touch. And I don't necessarily "Fill your mug half full with the mixture" but two heaping teaspoons full (plus a half a teaspoon extra for good luck) in a small mug or more if you're using a big mug. Then I fill it halfway with hot water to mix in the dry and make sure to get rid of any powdered milk lumps before adding the rest of the water. And I usually top with a little half and half because I'm decadent like that.

And then I leave the mix on my counter all winter! Great for company around the holidays. :)

- Cassandra G.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice Show! Cocoa sounds yummy. Thanks for all you do, Cassandra.


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