
Yard Sale In Loving Memory by Wayne

Wayne S. contacted Raincross last month to donate quilting and sewing items from his wife who passed away last summer. With our deepest condolences and grateful hearts, Nancy R. and her husband Walter met with Wayne and pick up many items for our use in our charity projects and to pass along via Nancy's Notions table.

Wayne is having a yard sale today and tomorrow to sell household and some craft items. The sale is from 8am - 3pm today and tomorrow at 10820 Endicott Dr, Riverside.

Raincross Quilt Guild President Jeri R. would like to extend our many thank yous to Wayne and his family for sharing so many beautiful and treasured items with us. We are sure that his wife was a wonderful and loving quilter and person, and we are honored to be able to use her items to help others.

Contact Nancy R. if you have any questions and forgive me for posting this so late!
- Cassandra G.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Wayne for honoring your wife's memory by sharing her hobbies with us and not just giving it all to a second time around store. These things will be loved again by our guild ladies.


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