
Newsletter Changes Are Coming

Ladies - doing the blog and the newsletter is my pleasure, but it takes time, and I'd rather be quilting.  So until someone volunteers to take over the newsletter, I am submitting to you the pertinent info found in the newsletter in spots around the blog.  Need to know when a Friendship group meets?  Check the left sidebar.  Is it your month to bring goodies?  Check the left sidebar.  What date is the next meeting?  Check the monthly calendar under the Dates/Doings tab. Need to know and plan for the next sew day - check the yearly calendar at Dates/Doings also.  Want to know the latest BOM?  Check out the tab that use to be Newsletter and is now BOM, Etc.

This is not a unilateral decision - we would like to have your ideas at the December meeting.  Your input is important!

You can also leave a comment on this post.  Please let me know what other parts of the newsletter you'd like to see on the blog or how you feel we could handle this.

Thank you,
A Nudge, webmistress & newsletter editor for now.


  1. Simply lovely, my dear. My only request - can you make the green letters on the sidebar either darker or a different color so there's more contrast??

    Thanks for ALL you do!!!

    Sharon G.

  2. I too appreciate all you do, and agree that anything that gives you more time to SEW is GOOD!
    Lynn C.


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