
We Need a Board Position Filled

The guild is in need of a Community Service co-ordinator.  Renée is stepping down.  Thank you for all you have done for the Guild, Renée.  We all appreciate your enthusiasm for this position over several years, your inspiration to have us donate quilts, your example of what we could do,  and all you did to bring comfort to so many.

Members, please consider stepping up to this job.  While we do so much community service, it doesn't have to be an onorous position.  Bonnie Hale would like to continue to do the happy bags, so you would have one assistant there.  With a little asking, finding three other members to liaise with the pet shelter, the VA hospital, and the Riverside County Regional Medical Center should be easy.  I'm sure there are several for whom these projects are dear to their hearts and would be willing to help out, and make the co-ordinator position easy to handle.  All you'd have to do is co-ordinate!

Okay, members, we need you.  Please let us know that you'd like to be part of this group, or even be the co-ordinator.  Please call Jeri or me, Angie, if you are interested, or let us know at the start of the January meeting.  Thank you!

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